Funny how it's all been built up to you cheering for the tailies, but then you get this far, and you, or at least I, can't say entirely that I don't feel Melanie is doing a good job with what she's doing. So the idea of complete chaos or her being thrown under the train, figuratively speaking, isn't appealing to me either.

Now they're all like "I want her to pay, I want her to pay", not realising the simple fallacy that what you're trying to make her pay for is her taking over Wilford's job, and keeping y'all goddamn alive ffs. Maybe rather strictly so, but that might just all have been exactly like Wilford would have done. People being all like boohoo you deceived us is just stupid.

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@kyria-crosszeria Funny, I was being crucified when I wrote something simmilar on one of the 1st episodes.

Yes! Melanie is doing what has to be done although no one wants to do it (or decide that it needs to be done).
