Review by Luca

Suicide Squad 2016

Sexist, horribly written, and downright frustrating to watch, this film is the kind of movie that I keep on my shelf for aesthetic purposes only. Despite most people's claims, Will Smith does NOT sell this movie. Casting Will Smith was suicide, pun intended. Whereas Margot Robbie inhabits her character and manages to make an insultingly sexist character work, Will Smith recites lines and acts like an entitled prick. There, I said it. The movie tries to straight up make members of the military look bad while making Deadshot look like he's "not so bad after all." It doesn't work. Call it racism all you want, but Will Smith is just not that great of an actor; not in most things I've seen him in, anyway. They even manage to throw a white privilege joke in there, which makes his character seem even more ignorant and unlikeable, especially considering the fact that he's making some heavy demands.

As for Harley, she rocks this movie. However, she, along with Captain Boomerang, are incredibly underdeveloped. There's a few scenes in which they get to truly shine, but that's it. What's good in this movie could have been condensed to a twenty minute segment, if that. They try and make Diablo relatable, but to be honest, I came away thinking he was a sexist creep, and I'm very against third-wave feminism. It's pretty hard to get me to say that.

I'm not even going to touch on how they depict mental health problems. All I gotta say is don't believe anything this movie tells you about anything related to that field. I get that it's a movie, but...yikes.

I guess my point is this movie sucks. A lot. It has beautiful cinematography in some parts, a fairly decent soundtrack, some excellent actors and actresses, and fantastic costumes on some of the characters, but that's about it. There's nothing else redeeming about this film aside from glimpses of what could have been. A shame, really - it could have been so much more.

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