[5.8/10] This was another stinker from writer Michael Short. The episodes seem a lot broader and, frankly, dumber when he’s behind the pen.

The one story I kind of liked was the one that dealt with Alexa coping with her and Ted being long distance. The two of them struggling with the separation, only for Ted to arrange a romantic videochat date for the two of them is very sweet, and it takes Alexis’s hardship with it seriously while still getting a few chuckles out of it. But her naming a turtle Ted and then losing it just feels out of nowhere and like more hacky sitcom nonsense.

That definitely extends to Stevie and David both trying to vie for a job as a flight attendant. Two friends competing for the same job is such a generic setup. David’s overconfidence inevitably leads to his downfall, but he’s rude to Stevie about the whole thing in a way that feels out of character for him in season 6. Plus the gags about a discount airline were definitely playing to the cheap seats.

That just leads to the broad comic mixup where the Roses and the Schitt’s mistakenly think that Bob is loaded, and go after him for a loan to buy the neighboring motel, only to discover that Gwen left him and he’s actually hurting for dough. There’s nary a laugh to be had in it. The fact that Roland buys the motel to “buy into the business” just means more Roland around, which no thank you.

Overall, the Alexis/Ted bit helps this one a little, but it was largely a parade of unfunny gags and hacky setups.

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