[7.1/10] Some mild humor mixed with some very nice moments. The only dud here was the Alexis storyline, in a flip from the last episode. There’s comic juice to be squeezed from the girls attending a Soul Cycle-like exercise program that is also a literal cult, but those parts of the episode go too broad with the comedy to get any real laughs. It’s obvious from the jump that “Elevation” is a cult, and the only real chuckle comes when Twyla explains how she knew it was a cult the whole time but was just trying to support Alexis’s career as a PR specialist.

The mixed bag storyline is Moira and David’s. We’re back to “fruit wines taste bad” jokes, and while that may work for a gag or two, it’s not enough to sustain an entire subplot. Still, it’s a good excuse for Moira to compare marriage to a blend of two kinds of greats that combine to create a great wine, draw the parallel between her and David on the one hand and Johnny and Patrick on the other, and gently nudge her son to give Patrick the attention he needs even if he’s more yielding. It’s a warm-hearted bit of her both affirming her son’s choice and encouraging him to be a good partner.

The best storyline though is the one between Johnny and Patrick. The best comedy in the episode comes from Johnny and Patrick’s awkward attempts to make small talk while watching a baseball game. It’s restrained, situational humor rather than setup-punchline jokes, and it works really well. But then it turns sweet, as Patrick affirms his commitment to David and to becoming a member of the Rose family, and Johnny is visibly touched and pleased at how good Patrick will be to his boy. It is, to put it in baseball terms, more of a double than a homerun, but still a good play.

Oh, and the tag with everyone razzing Alexis over almost joining and cult and David and Patrick being like cheeky boys at a sleepover is a lot of fun. Overall, some hits and some misses, but the pleasant character notes on both sides of David and Patrick’s impending nuptials elevate this one, no pun intended.

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