I do have a problem here. I was very exited that Perry Mason show is live again, because I really love Erle Stanley Gardner's works and also when I was a kid in the 80's I loved Perry Mason show. Also I love Ozzy Osbourne song:

On his way to dinner, when it took him by surprise,
And with one pull of the trigger, he would vanish overnight.
Dancing by the roadside, holding on for dear life,
Then a gun from out of nowhere made a widow of his wife.

When I was in my very first class in the law school, the teacher said: "I know you all want to be heroes as in a John Grisham's novel..." and at that point I interrupted him yelling: "No, Perry Mason!" "I'm going to be Perry Mason!" He of course looked very disappointingly at me, but this is something I'll never forget.

And now we have this monstrosity as Perry Mason show. Why? Perry Mason is a LAWYER! He loves his profession, he always keeps the law, he is so self confident and wise and in the end brings justice to the bad guys, solving the crime.

Is this the case in the new HBO series? No, Perry Mason here is a lowlife private detective taking porn pictures and extorting people for cash, while fucking the bad woman from "Queen of the south" show. Why? Really why? They could have titled this stupid show whatever they wanted - like "True detective", "Law and order", etc, but no, they had to call it Perry Mason to trick people like me watching it.

I am not saying it is total crap, because I've seen only the first chapter, however I think it will be. Besides not being Perry Mason series, it's obviously a slow paced slog with more filler than substance.

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