Review by Kizz'n'Tell

Warrior Nun 2020

It's so interesting that Netflix's Cursed which I just watched was marketed everywhere and presumed to be a definite great series and it really doesn't have the best reviews now where Warrior nun weren't marketed anywhere and I just saw the poster here by accident and as of now it has better ratings. I really anticipated Cursed and haven't feared about it bc I thought that if the trailer was great the series will be better. Well, I was incorrect. I didn't watch the whole trailer for Warrior nun bc I was interested enough and yet thought that if it wasn't so highly recommended everywhere it probably isn't that great but I wanted to know by watching the series not seeing sth not great in the trailer. Well IT WAS A FUCKING DELIGHT!!

I really thought the chick will be sooner in the Church and will be taught to fight and all, I anticipated that, and I was wrong. But the story, tho mainly the main character was running from it and discovering herself, was still really entertaining. Idk if it was for the actress or the character, maybe both, but really this happy, flowy, optimistic but yet insecure and depressive.... Shes everything but nothing as well (yet). I really appreciated the narration stuff... Im always hating the scenes where characters who are loners have to talk to themselves or to an animal etc to give us a proper understanding of what goes inside their heads. It's so unreal.
I loved the friendship but not so friendly friendship, the lore was discripted vastly tho there is a feel it isn't wholy known yet. There is so much yet to be discovered in the next season. This one ends on a clifhanger so be warned... I wasn't and I feel angry now that I don't even know if I get to see the end to that scene bc Netflix is so random in giving chances to its series.

I am really shocked that I liked it so much, that I was interested in the many eps without "magic" or fighting as well as the ones who had these scenes. The twist at the end maybe not so new was still shocking in a way. I recommend everyone interested enough to see for yourself, not listed to your expectations over the couple sentences about the plot.

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