[7.7/10] So much good stuff in this one. At base it has a surprisingly strong story, rooted in Leela’s emotions. She’s lonely because of her eye. She ends up trying to connect with someone who, despite his piggish exterior, seems to feel the same way. And in the end, she realizes that he was just as superficial and dunderheaded as she thought, only to find a different kind of comfort in the pet she saves from him. It’s a great throughline to build a story around.

Plus, holy hell, what a fun Star Trek parody. When I originally watched Futurama, I hadn’t seen The Original Series, and this episode is twice as much of a blast when you’re more versed in what they’re spoofing. Brannigan isn’t just Kirk-as-Shatner taken to the extreme, but Kif is Spock with his “long-suffering second-in-command” bona fides exaggerated, the Prime Directive is rightfully satirized, and trappings like Captain’s Logs and velour outfits brings the yuks. This one is a real treat for Trekkies, and it speaks to how strong the material is that you don’t have to be a Star Trek fan to appreciate the ridiculousness of Brannigan and company -- it just enhances it.

There’s also some just plain entertaining sci-fi lunacy here. The various animals on Vergon 6 let the writers flex their goofy zoology muscles. The dark matter fuel solution is surprisingly clockwork and comes at the right time. Even the “retro” bar where everyone wears hovering rings is a laugh-fest. The show clicks with great visual gags and fantastic quotability here.

Overall, this is a hilarious coming out party for Zapp Brannigan in particular, but it’s also Nibbler’s debut and, more importantly, a great establishing episode for Leela that give us her plight but also her determination and kindness. Another early winner.

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@andrewbloom hey. Saw you're watching Futurama. Love this show.

@dewdropvelvet It's a blast! I'm pretty sure I watched it every night in college.
