Am i the only one who doesn’t have any posters for Yellowstone in iShows?

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@g-zy Nope. I have the same issue. I thought I was the only one too.

@d0ndada wow, thanks so much for comment! It’s nice to know I’m not suffering alone. I checked the databases and the posters are all there! I’m so wondering why it’s not working then!?! :-/

@g-zy yea same here. Tried restarting the app. Clear the image cash. And even tried uninstall / install app. Nothing. Also I have same issue with Cursed show, no poster in app. Do you have Cursed added? Any other shows with same issue? Might need to contact the developer.

@d0ndada I don't have Cursed. It is also happening with Perry Mason. Prior to this happening, I was having issues with about 1/3 of my shows' posters; they were blank/greyed out, but posters were available so i just had to choose them again; a few, like Yellowstone, have been gone for good! Now Perry Mason too!

@d0ndada so i have my iShows app open while i'm responding to you.. Perry Mason was blank/greyed out when I was writing my comment, after I posted it, i checked and the poster for Perry Mason is now showing... this is some weirdddd stuff! smh

@g-zy LOL. Yea for Perry Mason I had to manually select it then it stuck. And what you said earlier about half the shows not having posters & had to select manually, happened to me too. I selected manually. All are OK except YS & Cursed.

I think iShow app is no longer that great & the developer stopped supporting it. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a replacement that is as simple as iShow. All the other apps have too much gimmicks or too much going on in the UI.

@d0ndada i know EXACTLY what you mean! the iShows app has been struggling, big time!! But there just isn't anything out there that is like it! I have tried a few diff apps, w/trakt support of course, and they got all these bells & whistles but just aren't true tracking apps like iShows is. I don't need a reminder (although I don't mind one), I just need to keep trakt of my shows & episodes...!!

@g-zy I sent an email to the developer. Hopefully he responds as I’m sure this has something to do with API used to get the show art. Let’s see what he says.

@g-zy Forgot to mention that the only other app I’ve found is “Watcht for Trakt”. It’s not iShow level but a good backup app when iShow fails.
