Review by Matthew Luke Brady

Black Mass 2015

Never spill the family secret.

Ever since the first teaser trailer for Black Mass came out, I knew for a fact that Johnny Depp was back to his old roots and finally playing a character that wasn't Jack Sparrow. It looked gritty, sharp, brutal, and totally refreshing to see Depp in this type of role. I was hyped as sh*t to see this movie and I couldn't wait to watch Johnny Depp's performance as Whitey Bulger.

After finally seeing the movie, I can say that 'Black Mass' was pretty solid and Johnny Depp's performance in this movie was freaking fantastic, as he stole the whole show.

This has to be Johnny Depp's best performance in years. He's was darkly comical, frighting, and really uncomfortable at times. That's the power and weight Depp brought to this performance and he absolutely pulled it off. I'm so happy to see Johnny Depp giving a good performance that wasn't anything like 'Transcendence' or 'The Lone Ranger'.

The cinematography in this movie was beautifully shot and the camera work used in the film was just stunning. Benedict Cumberbatch, Joel Edgerton, and Kevin Bacon gave great supporting performances in the movie.

Now for the problems: The movie itself felt pretty empty and very hollow to me. There wasn't anything to latch on to since the movie doesn't have a protagonist or a character that you can relate to. Everyone is a villain.

Overall rating: Black Mass has amazing cinematography, a great performance from Depp, and good directing. But it isn't something that I will be watching again anytime soon.

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