Review by Aars

It wasn’t like the most amazing ending ever but it was cute! The thing driving the show has always been the cast and characters so plot wise it was a little messy and underwhelming BUT reading some interviews with the show runners I think they did the best they could being part of marvel’s universe but not being able to participate in it, so it was never about the time traveling, the bad guys, inhumans or whatever it was always about the team, and they all got their happy ending, which is nice and something we don’t see much anymore in tv shows.
So things I never liked or understood was the villains these two last seasons, they were kinda bland and didn’t have like a smart reasoning, I wanna believe the chronicoms would be smarter and find a new home planet instead of focusing so much on Earth, also the Malicks, I didn’t even remember who Malick was so I didn’t care much about him. Also the time traveling mess, if they can time travel why no just go back in time to the moment before the chronicoms entered the lighthouse while the others were at the temple and why follow them into an alternate timeline? And then why bring them back to our timeline? Like there must be billions of timelines and I imagine not all of them are nice so you really can’t bother about each and everyone. Then what was the deal with May’s powers?? You can’t just get powers just because, at first I thought something happened to may and elena because of the shrieks or whatever but elena had something different so what about May??? I guess they just needed to give her that so she could turn the chronicoms??
The thing I disliked the most was Deke staying in that other timeline AND not having an emotional goodbye with his grandparents, it was obvious Fitz never liked him and this Fitz never met him in space or in his wedding but at least say goodbye to his nana? I mean it’s sad Deke being left behind but I know he’s gonna love it and rock with the deke squad and rule the world, but at least they could’ve say thank you???
Other thing I feel the show missed was seeing the full extent of Daisy’s powers, cause we know she could quake a planet apart but we never saw her in action, when she first got her powers I was excited to see the full extent of them but all we saw was she pushing people away, but on the other hand I’m happy that she finally got a decent love interest, no more a troubled bad boy with a dark past but a MAN.
All their individual endings were happy and cute and not really an ending for them, they are off to new adventures but what I hated was Coulson!!! I think they should’ve waited to kill him for real until this last season so it could be a definitive goodbye, real human Coulson deserved better!! When he died for real in s5 it wasn’t even emotional because we were focused on Fitz and we didn’t even saw Coulson die so it was a non event, so I wish they had waited to give him a real and emotional dead. And that last scene with lmd Coulson and Lola felt fake cause that’s not coulson, so I wish that was Daisy riding Lola, that would’ve been a nice touch instead of fake Coulson.
And I was a little mad that Iain decided to skip this season, I get he was filming something else (I think) but still like this is the last season and we missed on some good fitzsimmons moments (especially cause this is another Fitz) yet the writers made a good job in writing him back in and explaining his absence and introducing cutie Alya.
Cute show, cute ending and I’m happy everyone got a happy life.

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