Shout by Kizz'n'Tell

The 100: Season 5

5x06 Exit Wounds

Everyone still is a traitor at least 6 times a season. Serioulsy. I can't with I hate the person I like the person WTF person... Still don't believe Gaia is 'good', Madi is hella stupid (i know children love the stories about fighters but Idk how Clarke had to cut to story for Madi to love Octavia so much), Octavia is batshit crazy and I don't care. I can't even hope she'll die as I know she won't. I honestly thought they will be united and for the first time all the main characters will be on the same side.... Wonkru my ass...

I'm still Bellarke and Ive hated Echo from the beginning but gosh, their goodbye was so believable. Great stuff from Bob. They have zero chemistry tho... and Echo so freaking smart at the end. I always loved a warrior woman in any series and movies, somehow Ive always hated Octavia... I think I might have found my likeable woman warrior in the 100... finally.

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