Review by Matthew Luke Brady

John Wick: Chapter 2 2017

"You don't f**k with the devil then act surprised when he turns up."

John Wick: Chapter 2 is one of best and most exciting action movie I've seen in awhile. It accomplished everything it needed to do and much more. I mean, any action movie that starts with a Buster Keaton homage is always a sign of something great. A squeal that's bigger, more violent, and plenty more head shots.

Not as emotionally engaging as the first movie and it doesn't need to. In all honestly, I liked this more than it's predecessor. It expands the universe of assassins and making tension a lot higher for John. While it dose come off a bit ridiculous, but it's self aware of what it is and it's not trying to be very serious.

This movie is a prime example of how action should be done. Outstanding gunfights and every action sequences is filmed with delicate care, making every shot and kick almost into a rhyme. Nothing shaky or quick cutting. Just the right balance and mixture that delivers a thrilling ride.

Can I just say that Keanu Reeves is a nature treasure. Seriously, this guy is on is way of being the greatest action star of are time. He is John Wick and no one can top that. A legend in the assassin world. Just by uttering his name can send chills down hitman backs. But he isn't all invincible, as he dose get beaten up pretty badly in this movie. Blood, sweat, and struggling for breath. You get the feeling that this could be his last mission, but it's the thing deep inside of him that drives him forward. It makes him an interesting and compelling action movie character.

The villains have something quite unique about them. At first I thought Ruby Rose was going to give John Wick a true fight, but that was not the case. Instead she was mysterious. Riccardo Scamarcio crossing John Wick life and him later regretting it, making everything worse. They not the best or the most in depth bad guys, but it dose separates them from being boring villains.

That's what I like about John Wick Chapter 2. It's not just a dumb action movie like The Fast & Furious series. There's never a scene where John Wick goes through three buildings with his car and jumps out just in time. I'm not saying this movie is realistic or anything, but it's grounded enough for you to care of whats going on.

Overall rating: I can be very picky when it comes to action, but this surpass my exceptions. I enjoyed it for what it was and I will be looking forward to Chapter 3.

Oh and that pencil scene was freaking amazing.

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