Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

What Happened to Monday 2017

#noomirapace #whathappenedtomonday #review
:scroll: Plot: In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own named Monday.
:man:‍⚖ Review : Directed by Tommy Wirkola and starring Noomi Rapace this action sci drama has a very promising premise unlike anything you have seen before. The Premise sets the tone of a brilliant and engaging flick.The Action Sequences are overwhelming and tightly edited screenplay makes it worth a watch. The Direction is brilliant.

Noomi Rapace is a gifted actress and she once again proves this. She offers each of her characters their own identity, personality, flaws, and strengths. I can't imagine how she played so many roles in a single movie so perfectly.

Overall , With many dystopian futuristic movies What Happened to Monday stands out due to its uniqueness. What it on Netflix now to know what i mean.
:thumbsup:Goods :
1. Noomi Rapace
2. Action Stunts Choreography
3. Screenplay
:fire: Final Rating : 7.5/10
:white_check_mark: Verdict : Not the Best out there, but is definitely worth a watch.
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