Review by Lineage

Hanna: Season 2

2x07 Tacitus

Well, I was wrong about Sandy siding with Hanna (and Clara, who, too, sided with Hanna), eventually. I mean, it could still happen, but I think it's clear that it won't. It's unfortunate. I never cared about Sandy, and I most certainly didn't care about Jules, but now that Sandy is very much an enemy, she's probably not going to survive the finale, and surprisingly, I'm a little disappointed. There was just something about her that kind of made her a likable character.

The beginning of the episode struck me as convenient. Even more so when taking into consideration that the purpose of it was for Hanna to find out information about Clara's mother so she can tell her, which led to Clara not killing Robert and then siding with Hanna. You're telling me that Stephen's phone had all that information on it, which, first of all, is ridiculous enough already, but also that it wasn't encrypted or password-protected, or something?

Of course, he could've unlocked it right before he died as it was in his hand, I think, which he could've done, wanting Hanna to be able to access it, knowing that she would probably come by and take it. Even then, while that would've been a smart play on his part, is still a bit of a stretch, especially if the phone doesn't come back into play in the finale for something more important than finding out information about Clara's mother.

And something about the ending of the previous episode that didn't cross my mind after I finished watching it but did right before I began watching this episode, was how Jules didn't kill Hanna. Like, are you for real? Killing Hanna was left to two fodder operatives whose only purpose was to suck at doing their jobs and getting beaten very easily by Hanna. You'd think John would have the common sense of tasking someone or a few people who are capable of completing such a task. Jules, for instance. Right as Hanna walked onto the train and turned around to face Jules, boom. Hanna's dead, easy.

Oh, wait. She's the main character who so happens to be dumb enough to fall for something so obvious, and dumb in other situations, and dumb all the time. Of course, Jules, someone who had the perfect opportunity to kill her, wouldn't do that because she's smart enough to know that she's a fictional character and in a fictional TV show and that there are still two episodes left to this season.

I'm confused as to why Hanna is still clinging to Clara. Clara betrayed her two (right?) times already, yet Hanna doesn't care. But, let me guess. Sandy, Jules, and all the other trainees are "beyond saving" and aren't worthy of Hanna's love and affection?

Also, why did Hanna care about Clara in the first place back when she helped her escape in the S1 finale? Because she was the only one who would come out of a cell, and the only one who would speak to her and Erik, or something? I don't remember.

But I guess when you have fake passports for yourself and someone else, and that other person doesn't want to go with you, you have no choice but to keep clinging to that person to put that person's passport to use, instead of just, you know, using YOUR fake passport and getting the hell out of dodge?

Speaking of which, the passports are still hidden in The Meadows, right? The writers bothered to show Hanna going to the hiding spot behind the concrete slab and checking to see if they're still there or to check them out, a few episodes ago. Ultimately, that was probably just for us, the audience, as she put them right back, I think. Could this season end a cliffhanger of Hanna and Clara having to go back to The Meadows to get their fake passports, or will they get new ones from this new group that Marissa was saved by? Oh, who am I kidding? They're not going to go off and live out their lives in peace as a smart person would. But the finale could still end on some kind of cliffhanger.

Anyway, as far as this episode is concerned, as a whole, its only purpose was to stretch out the season and get one more episode out of it. But I'm not expecting the finale to be super, super great, and unlike anything ever seen before. It's probably going to be as dull as most of the episodes in this season have been, the only difference being that it's the finale, and may also end with a sense of closure and completion, or just open-ended, or a little bit of both. I'm unaware whether or not a third season has been confirmed but one thing is certain. It will need to be a massive step-up from this one or otherwise, it'll be a waste of time that I'll most likely watch but still wish it was much better, like this one, and the first season.

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