Shout by Cory Copeland

Chuck 2007

So this was a fun watch. Season 1 I wasn't in love with it. It took time for me to fall in love with the characters, and ultimately it felt like this would have been better served as a half hour sitcom. Every episode felt long, relatively rehashed, and the characters weren't developing. Then something changed. Near the end of Season 2, into Season 3 I fell in love with the show and its characters. I appreciated the overarching plots that became increasingly fleshed out, the evolving characters, and the guest appearances were enjoyable. It was a comedy spy show, with a romantic undertone and it really is a show that could work for everyone. While I was harsh with the content and my average is a smidge lower than the user average, I do believe this is a show that everyone should see and there is truly something everyone will latch onto.

Average Season Review: 8.1/10

Recommendation: Must See (For Goofy Romantic Comedy and Spy Fans)

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