More and more this show seems to be merely a vehicle of propaganda, or called so lately with the nicer word "Platform". There is little Lovecraft in this series and the only things in there are random easter eggs you can find scattered throughout (like the title of this episode).

There are plenty of sexscenes in these episode, which is fine, but it's filler in a show where already nothing much happens. We learn something new sure but it doesn't mean a thing. I do not care a character is gay, I do not care a character isn't what they seem and I do not care about the love angles.

I care about Lovecraft and his stories, his world, his mythos... of which there is too little of.

PS I didn't know someone could have SO much spit.

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@mansemat "propaganda"? Propaganda for what exactly? The "gay agenda"?

@the_argentinian Jordan Peele's agenda, the same that was in Twilight Zone, Get Out and Us - the main subject of this series as stated by the creators, the same subject that has been injected in many series over the past few years.

So no, not the gays.

@mansemat oh, you mean the "black agenda"?

@the_argentinian That implies a conspiracy.

@mansemat too many words to say that you're racist, this show is not for you!

@feepiva I see you have a lot of difficulties with many words since that's your take on mine. You don't know me though and Ill decide which shows are for me.

Glad you like this racist show, I find it mediocre, shallow and simpleminded for the most part.

@the_argentinian all along, did you?

@mansemat get out of your mom's basement, f incel
