Review by ladysherlockian

Merlin: Season 5

5x09 With All My Heart

The episode was a bit incongruous in tone, as the solution to Gwen's enchantment turned out to be a needlessly complicated one, whereas the scenes with Merlin turning into the sorceress as well as the earlier take with Arthur taking Gwen away from Camelot on a wheelbarrow and the entire preparations were hilarious. It is good that Gwen is finally free of the spell, she seems more like herself with more good-natured kindness rather than the enchantment-induced cunning. However, we will truly know if the magic worked in the next episode when it will become clear if she tries to kill Arthur again. If not, then Merlin's spell was successful, so far we cannot be 100% sure.

I liked the fact that Mordred got some character development in this episode. He continues to be loyal to Arthur and is still a good-hearted knight, but also quite an intelligent and perceptive person, as he noticed all the tale-tell details that other knights miss. Again, he saves Arthur and Merlin as well (though it is a wonder that they both survive the fall to the stones which should have been fatal) and there is really nothing to dislike Mordred for at the moment, yet Merlin continues to detest him because of the prophecy. I think this is stupid of Merlin since his enmity towards Mordred can push the Druid towards treason whereas had he been kindly to Mordred, he would have likely stayed an ally. Since Mordred also has magic, he would be a good sidekick of Merlin if only Merlin could overcome his prejudice. Mordred's confrontation with Morgana was the best scene in the episode, it was great how he stood his ground and openly confronted her with her own madness and pointless hatred. Mordred understands Morgana better than anyone else does, and she knows full well that he sees her through and that he had found her weak spot. I was wondering what magic Mordred has and now I have the answer that he is quite a powerful warlock as he is able to stand up to Morgana and temporarily deafeat her (at this stage of the show, nobody believes that Morgana could be really killed). He appeals to their common magic abilities and Druid affiliation, and I wonder whether Mordred will ally himself with Morgana when he turns against Arthur or there will be two back-stabbing teams? So far, they are enemies as Mordred keeps on being loyal to Arthur.

This time, as the sorceress who helped to save Gwen from the enchantment, Merlin uses his opportunity to make Arthur think more positively of magic, and urges him to appreciate Merlin more, though Arthur does not really look convinced about either of these things. He really does take Merlin for granted and should have recognised him and raised him at least to a chancellor where Merlin rightfully belongs. Yet he is still the bullied servant boy, though without him Arthur would not have survived the first episode. Merlin's extreme loyalty is really a thing to be admired as often he has little reason to be so faithful to the king of Camelot.

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