Babysitter from Netflix is 10/10: one of my favorite movies of all time. I had been putting off watching this movie for several days because I didn't want to be disappointed.

Killer Queen absolutely did NOT let me down! The over-the-top buckets of gore moments are perfect for a movie like this, and the movie really did a great job bringing most of the main cast back, without ever feeling overdone. I haven't laughed that hard in a while, when I was watching the intro, the first 15 minutes or so. Really good narrative setup, and the time effects while Mel and Cole are talking were cool to see.

One of the best things about The Babysitter was the tight pacing at just under 90 minutes. I was concerned that the extra 20 minutes of runtime in Killer Queen would mean that it might have moments that dragged on, but again, I was pleasantly surprised it did not. Chris Wilde's character was an absolute delight. He and Ken Marino really clicked as a funny duo.

MEGA SPOILERS for the rest of the comment, please don't read unless you've seen both of the movies.

Please let there be a third!

The ending was great! I tend to over analyze and get too much in-my-head when watching movies, and there are a lot of twists that I can see coming from a mile away. The fact that the twist about Phoebe's babysitter being Bee, AND that it was Bee who sacrificed herself to save Phoebe absolutely floored me. I never expected to cry so damn much watching this movie, but it really got me.

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