Review by Theo Kallström

Finding Nemo 2003


Review by Theo Kallström









Finding Nemo remains one of Pixar's most original, exciting and heart-warming stories. The script is a series of misadventures for Marlin and Dory and an elaborate operation to escape the confines of the aquarium for Nemo and the gang. Despite the humour and adventure, the dialogue also allows the characters to explore what it means to be a father, a son and a friend. It’s a basic Disney/Pixar story packaged in a new exciting way, suitable for children and adults alike.

This film ingeniously mixes human concepts with aquatic life, making Nemo's world seem like the most natural thing ever. Fish schools; hilarious, AA meetings with sharks; outrageous! Dory is hopelessly funny, Marlin is the best father ever and Nemo is brave, despite his physical shortcomings. The film is filled with excitement and dangers, it is swiftly paced and there are plenty of funny and touching bits as well. It’s a classic, yet powerful mix of emotions.

I love the characters of Finding Nemo and the actors behind their voices. Dory is a legendary female lead, of course, as a forgetful sidekick amazingly performed by Ellen De Genres. She feels like a natural next to Albert Brooks' fish daddy Marlin. The sharks and the sea turtles are the most memorable supporting characters and the actors behind the voices of the fish inside the aquarium are all amazing.
Seagulls are just as annoying in the eyes of fish and birds as they are for humans, and they are a fun little addition to the story.

Finding Nemo was a breath-taking and groundbreaking mix of colours and light back in 2003, making it a worthy Oscar winner. It is just as beautiful and livid almost 20 years later. The immense creativity behind the creation of the underwater world feels amazing. The level of details is high and despite the visible ageing of the animation style, the film still looks great. The music shifts from beautiful, to dark and quirky, making it one of the finest soundtracks of a Pixar film.

Marlin and Dory form one of the most successful dynamic duos of any Pixar film and a wide range of interesting supporting character ensure that the film feels both fresh and intriguing all the time. Our heroes go from one memorable danger to another, and they all help to keep the pace and tension high.

Aquatic adventures aren't a new thing in the world of animation, but unlike The Little Mermaid and the rest of the lot, Finding Nemo feels like a film from a different plane. Its way of combining familiar concepts with new and unexpected elements make for a fascinating film that makes it fresh for viewers of all ages.

Finding Nemo is one of Pixar's best films. It was incredible back when it was first released and it is incredible 20 years later. It has withstood the test of time admirably and remains exhilarating, touching and inventive. This is a childhood favourite I can still say that I love.

WACPINE RATING: 9.43 / 10 = 4,5 stars

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