3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Color Out of Space’:

  1. I cannot — for the life of me — understand how this has such a high Rotten Tomatoes score. There was absolutely nothing redeemable about it. I am exceedingly perplexed.

  2. I gave it a single extra point for some grotesque ‘The Thing’-like moments. And because there has to be worse movies than this. Right?

  3. Where was the plot here? From the narration in the beginning to the one at the end, nothing connected each moment to the next. Random weirdness, even when it includes Nicholas Cage, is not entertainment. I just wanted it to end.

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it can be seen that you know nothing about the original work, the idea behind color out of space is that the color is so incomprehensible and alien to our world that it warps and distorts everything around it, plants, animals, the human mind, even the human form, its not meant to be understood because in its core its exactly the opposite, something completely impossible to understand, the movie captured the feeling from the original work quite well, while not being perfect, it absolutely deserves its rotten tomatoes score, its a lovecraft movie for lovecraft fans
