Enjoyed this immensely. Sometimes an unexpected laugh emerged from my gullet like ejecting vomit, but the sense of impending doom kept my attention, especially when the strange depictions of time flow began to open my eyes to the realisation this was happening in someone's head. A cursory look at the plot of the book on which it is based confirmed this, and although this has been critiqued as to its value, and even as I have not read it, the dialogue of the film reminded me of 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance', which I read in the early 80s. This dialogue once you realise what is going on, takes on a a new power. it was also filmed well, and the acting was great. Although I write this, it is not a film I would add to any collection of my own, nor would I likely watch it again, so I give it a strong 7/10.
A story of lost opportunities, regret, fantasy, and finally extinction.

If I was to express one criticism of the film, it was too linear in its construction, even with the scenes of The Janitor breaking the flow, which in reality it wasn't, if you see what I mean.

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