How Turing and his team cracked the German engima encryption machine during WW 2 in the UK.

It is entertaining to watch, educating historically. I think they should have actually explained Christopher and Engima a tad bit better, as it I think it wouldn't have been too hard if they showed us visually.

I was afraid it would actually not handle Turing's homosexuality, but thankfully I was wrong and it became a major topic in the second part of the movie.

Even if you are reducing the length of a WW by at least two years, it does not save you from some hypocrites jailing you in because they can't accept your sexuality.

There are quite some historic inaccuaries in the movie, but that doesn't reduce the enjoyment of it at all.

Rating: 9/10

"Fun" fact: Directed or produced by Harvey Weinstein...
Fun fact: Luckily we Germans are too tidy. The UK decrypter is based off the Polish Bombe. The Germans did wire the QWERTZ keys to...ABCDEF. You can't make that up.

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