Review by Andrew Bloom

[7.7/10] Hey! We’re doing Suicide Squad! Replete with Deadshot and Rick Flagg and Boomerang Man! This made for a fun heist episode! In contrast to other villain team-ups we’ve seen, this one is more fun because we mostly get things from the villains’ perspective. There’s a cool dynamic to them trying to infiltrate the Watchtower, get what they need, and get out, coupled with the fact that they’re bad guys forced to work for the government and not necessarily play things their way.

I also continue to appreciate the continuity. The annihilator armor from “Hawk and Dove” makes sense as a target for Project Cadmus, since it was something that mortals could seemingly use to take out superheroes in that episode (and since Superman is vulnerable to magic). I also appreciate the folks they bring back for this one. Deadshot talking about how the Justice League are no joke, which he knows from personal experience, is a good beat. Likewise, it’s surprisingly awesome to get Clock King back, since he both gave Batman a run for his money in B:TAS and makes total sense as the “guy in the chair” to help orchestrate the heist.

Once the team gets on the Watchtower, the coolness continues. Task Force X sneaking their equipment through the gates and trying to operate before anyone realizes what their doing adds tension. The actual fights aren’t much to write home about, but there is something striking when the baddies do finally get their hands on the Annihilator. Watching it rip J’onn apart was low key harrowing.

But I also like seeing the different rules that the baddies live by. Plastique gets the heroes to call off their dogs when she threatens to kill Atom Smasher, only to get left behind anyway when Deadshot shoots the explosive in her hand, despite flirting with her the whole episode. Task Force X is expendable -- that’s the point -- and they’re treated accordingly.

I also like the fact that Flagg is in this of his own volition. Him as the makeshift warden to these lifers makes for an interesting dynamic, frankly one that I wish the Suicide Squad movie had taken more time to explore. (Though I guess that’s what they were trying and failing to go for with Amanda Waller in that movie?)

I also like how things end. The bad guys win, successfully completing their mission and stealing the armor, even if they have to lose Plastique to do it. And I like the effect it has on the Justice League, wondering whom they can trust after one of their cadets sold them out to Cadmus. It’s particularly interesting seeing J’onn be so furious and ready to act. There’s a certain paranoia at play here that makes this interesting, and even feels like political commentary given when the episode was made.

Overall, another winner that succeeds by shifting our perspective a little and making the heroes the antagonists!

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