Shout by whos_ur_buddha

The New Legends of Monkey 2018

Not really sure what this was about as I’ve never heard of this show from the past but let me tell’s awesome. I can’t stop watching it. Who cares if it’s cheesy...I think that’s what makes this show so great. I really hope they make more seasons. I need to go find the original series somewhere & watch it.

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@d0ndada I think the name the new legends is not in reference to another TV show but the base material, a 16th century Chinese novel called "Journey to the West".

@balmoth This TV show is directly inspired by the Japanese TV Show Monkey Magic. For example, character names Monkey and Tripitaka stem from the loose English translation used in the Japanese TV show. If it were meant to be more faithful to the original Chinese legend then it would use the more accurate names Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang.
