I really want to like this show, but when you create an actual interesting character for once, and then sideline him by the end of the episode, you’re not doing yourself any favours.

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@jordyep He's not dead, so they can always re-introduce him in the next season. Maybe they'll inaugurate him as a Mandalorian due to his bravery and skills. But the show's small form-factor and run length will probably never really allow many characters to stay for long.

OPReply by Jordy

@allendar I hope so. Right now the only consistent thing between episodes are Mando and Baby Yoda. One barely has a character, the other one is an excuse for memes.

@jordyep Bobba Fett an interesting character? The only reason he became popular is because he looked cool. And now his look is not even unique anymore.

OPReply by Jordy

@the_argentinian That wasn’t Boba Fett
