Review by chillikun

The Great Doctor 2012

Another time-travel-Sageuk in which Kings/Official/General are either corrupt or very very stupid

This is an example of what and how "mediocre" really is. I love the actors, it is just that, the story was such a mess. It started out as a strong drama with a lot of potential. Imagine a present (hot chic) doctor will be dragged by someone to time travel back to Yuan/Goryeo dynasty's time? The idea is not fresh and unique ; but this reverse to RoofTopPrince; when it reached the 10+ episodes, it became so boring to me for many reasons.

Repetitive conflicts, mediocre acting, and really absurd antagonists. Even the story itself didn't make sense (I am trying not to spoil anything, if there is really to spoil about). I have this hope that the ending will be something different, but it was really a disappointment.


Now for the story itself (I'll try to keep this short), let's say that overall, it was lacking. The main problem I encountered with this series is continuity; a lot of it didn't make sense. A lot of the time I was left confused, wondering how the plot ended me up where I was. Ironically it was the main theme of time/travel that bothered me the most. In order not to spoil anything, let's simply say it had issues.

The directing was terrible in some scenes, and don't get me started on the editing. They had a wonderful story to tell and an amazing cast to work with, and those are the things that saved this drama. The cliffhangers were all in weird places, and there were too many flashbacks we had already seen for my liking.


I think the cast was AMAZING. Lee Min Ho did an amazing job as Choi Young. Kim Hee Sun also did an awesome job as Eun Soo. She was funny and quirky and strong without being annoying. And she and LMH ended up having some AWESOME chemistry. I like the lead actor and actress and their romance. If Lee Min Ho wasn't on this drama; Vast improvement in LMH’s acting and I truly enjoyed it! ; I would abandon watching it after 4-5 episodes. Kim Hee Sun is amazing in this. Whoever said she couldn't have chemistry with Lee Min Ho's character because she's 10 years older than him was very wrong. Also, if you need a drama that proves that Lee Min Ho can actually act, this is it.

My main complaint on the cast probably lies more with the script than the actor himself.
The King was just so whiny! I understand the idea that Kings are humans too, and I get how they tried to humanize him, but sometimes I just wanted to hit him over the head and tell him to man up already!
I have to admit, the drama and main evil-doer in the show really bothered me, and I won't lie and say that I didn't skip over some parts in the middle and end. I think it was more because of his annoying face than the drama itself. I can get past some difficult stuff, but his character just really annoyed the piss out of me.


Music is probably the only thing I really liked in this drama. The OST played well throughout the scenes, and managed to embed certain scenes/events into my head.


I have a mixed feeling about this drama.The biggest flaw of Faith is in the characters's personalities and the storyline. I find it absurd that all of the character are just so unbelievably stubborn and ended up in the same situation over and over again. This would have been better if it was a 16-episodes drama. To wrap it all, Faith is not that bad but obviously, is not a good drama. It can make you skip a lot of episodes and proceed to watching immediately the ending.

DO watch Faith because it is a good watch for those who enjoy historical dramas and/or Lee Min Ho (and/or the other actors/actresses - whomever you favour, i guess)
DON'T watch Faith if you pay really close attention to the plot. Certain things will tick you off throughout the series. Watch Six Flying Dragons which is a successor to this show if you want a good plot without romance.

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