Shout by Kai, the Shadow Scribe

A Silent Voice: The Movie 2016

A Silent Voice is about coming to terms with the past while learning to live in the present.

The entire cast of characters is unique, clearly living their own lives and dealing with their own problems. Even when they aren't wholly sympathetic or right, it is possible to understand the reasoning for their actions. Their mistakes are not excused, but they learn and grow from them, and the suffering and regret Ishida, the main character, goes through helps him grow and move on, without ever thinking what he did was excusable in any way.

The movie also deals with depression and anxiety in a sensitive and quite real way. Ishida's fear of looking and opening himself to people is delivered in an artistically entrancing manner that precisely shows how he feels. Both Ishida and Nishimiya's depression come forward in different ways, but they are intense, and their struggles to overcome it are clear.

Beautiful and painful, A Silent Voice is a heartbreaking but still optimistic and hopeful look on life and the consequences we have to deal with for a long time, both from our actions and others'.

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