Review by Andrew Bloom

[8.1/10] Truly a classic. What’s funny is that over time The SImpsons would get criticized for having so many guest stars (and rightfully so), but this one does it right. Each of the nine ringers that Burns brings in have no trouble making fun of themselves or being put into ridiculous situations that don’t just devolve into self-flattery or recognition. Maybe the show was just sharper then, but insane stuff like Ken Griffey Jr. suffering from gigantism from drinking too much nerve tonic or Roger Clemens being hypnotized into thinking he’s a chicken are just delightfully out there. Likewise, Mike Scioscia and daryl Strawberry are surprisingly game to be major parts of the episode in ways that, at best, make them look kind of silly.

This is also just a fun sports episode. Burns in particular is a laugh riot here, with him trying to bringing in players who’ve been dead for decades, giving crazy signals, and only being able to tell his players to remember something inspirational someone might have told them at some point in their lives. It’s all goofery and no substance, but it’s knee-slapping hilarious.

That said, there’s a solid throughline of Homer feeling some validation by leading his company softball team to victory, feeling displaced by the ringers, and then inadvertently giving them the win in the city championship. It’s the perfect Simpsons subversion to have him seal that victory not by hitting a home run, but rather getting hit by pitch (knocking him out no less) with the bases loaded. Nevertheless, it gives the episode at least something of an emotional throughline to help keep it from drifting away entirely amid all the lunacy.

Still, the lunacy is the selling point here. No show trying to cram in this many guest stars, who are all non-actors for that matter, should be this good and this funny. But man The Simpsons could work miracles at this point of its run.

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