Shout by beedawg

Film Club

Shout by beedawg

Notes from discussion:

Very intimate film showing most affecting aspects of life and death in extremely close proximity.

Multiple methaphorical representations; Hatidze comes to represent mother earth.

Easy to feel individualised anger toward the family and the trader, but on reflection this anger seems misplaced as one gets the sense of a systems failure with individuals' actions ultimately determined by forces they neither appreciate nor can control.

The above means the film takes you on a journey from the personal to the system-wide scale.

Certain scenes have a surreal character, especially those featuring Hatidze and her mother

Certain scenes are difficult to watch; especially those involving violene to animals and or children; forms part an overall, eye-opening culture shock.

Ecological destruction at the hands of desperate men whom ultimately weild power via violence, intimidation or access to money; an allegory for the world we live in today.

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