If you take the most obnoxious, self involved, dumb party girl and put her in a TV show, you'd have this. It's just one long story of her whining and doing the absolute dumbest things humanly possible. The ongoing and pointless dialog with an imaginary dead man feels like a filler and doesn't add anything to the story whatsoever.

2 episodes in and I'm ditching this

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@chewy74 I'm in agreement with you on this

@chewy74 I felt the same. I found her incredibly annoying.

@chewy74 I'm not defending the show but I am defending this extremely common device (Six Feet Under, Dexter, just about every Shakespeare play...) fyi, it's not pointless, it shows us what the character is thinking about.

@chewy74 haters will hate. The TV show actually new and never seen like it. As the flight attendant get in trouble and crime.

@chewy74 Character development and growth must be new concepts for you...
