Why would the cop shoot the fisherman? Why didn't he just go back and kill Ronald, then "find" the girls and set them free? The girls didn't know he was involved and all they could testify to is Ronald kidnapped them. He'd get rid of the nut job/loose cannon, Ronald, and get the people looking for the girls off his back. He could come up with a scenario where Ronald killed Cody, and not have yet another missing person case with the fisherman. Just sayin'....

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@bowtieguy In one hand I agree with you. But in other hand.. 1. If he kill Ronald then( whatever they are doing) is over. 2. He is already suspectful. What did he doing exactly right there? 3. Maybe there are things that connects him to Ronald. (Photos about them together, etc..)

@bowtieguy If it was any other thriller with an escaped kidnapped girl. The fisherman would have been a goner. So no real shocker he was killed.
