Shout by Jimmy

One Piece

Season 21

The fact it’s been out for 20 straight years is also kind of the reason not to watch it as there’s 900 episodes, I don’t understand how a regular person with school or a job can be up to date with one piece

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@kieranlittleuk my case: i watched it in the bus, one before going to sleep, and sometimes, if I was alone, while I ate. Of course it takes months but you finally get there and is super rewarding

@kieranlittleuk Even with a school or job you can watch it in a few months. I was 15 when i started watching it back in 2012. It had like 580 episodes. Finished it in like 6 months while also doing well in school.
And whats the problem with 900 episodes? You are literally watching 900 episodes too just with different tv shows/animes combined. And once you reached the new episodes its just 1 episode/week, so its not hard to be up to date either.
So I never really understood this "it has too many episodes" complaint.
