Review by Kevin Beazley

13 Reasons Why

Season 3

This season's premise makes two deeply flawed assumptions:

  1. That we'd give a shit about this new main character who came out of nowhere and who has not earned our interest or trust and who appears to have inserted herself into everyone else's business for no reason other than to meddle
  2. That we'd care about the death of a rapist and that we'd want to see said rapist's attempts to redeem himself in the months before his death

This season looks ugly. The colour palette has become super boring and the camera is constantly doing stupid things. The editing is awful and the show is really bad at keeping flashbacks and present clear and separate. It was bad at it before, but it's become worse. One of the central 'mysteries' of this season is "what happened to Tyler?" which is a question the audience already knows the answer to, so all the drama that comes out of it is boring and frustrating and unnecessary. They try to address some themes of sexual assault, but they don't have anything profound or nuanced to say about it, or really anything to say about it beyond the basic platitudes of "my story" and "down with the patriarchy".

This season is just a mess


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