Let's get the elephant out of the room now - Gina Carano needs to go. Her acting ability isn't exactly the best, sure, but combined with being the worst performer on the show she's also an awful person in a franchises whose modus operadi since 1977 has been one of inclusion and tolerance. And it's a shame too cause Cara Dune is a great character who has a ton of potential - a recast would do wonders.

Outside of that obvious, glaring frustration, this is another great episode, and one that showcases Carl Weathers' ability to direct action and puppetry extremely well. He treats his episode with a light touch, going along for the ride with a healthy dose of humor for good measure. All of the plot dumps and questions the episodes raise seem to indicate we are heading into Episode IX setup, which may divide some fans but I appreciate the sequel trilogy love (and other Legends love at the end of episode) just as much as original trilogy and prequel trilogy. Overall another solid entry in a much better season.

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@legionwrex I don’t like Trump either. If that is why you don’t like Carano. I can’t picture anyone else playing the part though.

@legionwrex So a few points here:

a) Yes, Carano isn't the most convincing actress - funny thing is that people saying it were labeled sexist less than a year ago
b) It's sad that she has fallen victim to all the recount stuff
c) It is even more sad that I actually know about it not being eligible to vote in the US, since I am not a US citizen nor do I live in the US

With that being said I need to get something off my chest that has been boiling for months now:
You can't freaking have it both ways! You can't say everyone has to be allowed to say what they want and then crucify people for doing it.
You should take a hard look at the situation in your country and then take a look at the situation of countries in which people separate their political, personal and professional lifes.

Yes, people in my country disagree with each other as well, and we do have different oppinions. And if we don't share those we probably won't go out together or start a family together.
But just because we have opposite oppinions or even think the other persons oppinions to be stupid doesn't mean that we call their employer and demand they get fired (Which you are doing here) and never ever get hired for anything ever again (which you are doing as well).

It is one thing to tell people that an actor/actress is a bad choice because of reasons when they are being cast. But calling for a recast because you don't like the conspiracy theories they believe in is just making a double standard.

All you are doing by callign for peoples head for believing in this bullshit is reaffirming their belief that people who speak up against the supposed conspiracy get silenced.

@legionwrex You people are able to separate the character from the actress or artist from the art when its one of your own, but if its someone you disagree with on a political level you want blood. Pathetic. You're so far programmed to hate anyone whose opinion is not your own you can't even watch them ACT in a sci-fi show. You're saying that people who don't confirm to your opinions don't deserve to make a living acting. That type of thinking is honestly quite Imperial of you, Try to take a moment to reflect on that.

Also I'm not taking her side, but freedom of speech is a thing, no matter if I agree of not.
