In this episode, Hilda's hanging with her deerfox and her little friend Alfur at home. But after staying in the house for three days straight, Hilda's mum thinks it's a good time for a walk around the city. So Johanna forces Hilda to befriend some humans for a change, and it's all fun and games until the popular one hits a bird with a rock. It turns out this bird can talk. Only Hilda and the cool kid hears it, and Hilda runs away, with the popular boy's friends laughing at his absurd claim.

Alfur tries to interview the bird, but our feathered friend over here isn't much of a character. Hilda's mum drags her out of the house again, before dumping Alfur and the bird with amnesia outside. Then Johanna tells Hilda about the bird which passes over the parade to bless the town before Hilda realises the identity of her forgetful friend.

Alfur and the bird make their way through the city before the popular boy kidnaps them. And he's still butt-hurt by the bird embarrassing him around his friends. He tries to show them he's not crazy, which doesn't go well. And the bird falls into the river.

Luckily, Hilda arrives, reminds the bird his identity, before he transforms into a bird the size of a plane, and takes Hilda for an evening flight. He tells her how the people of Trolberg thought he was a bird of the gods when he's just a talking lightning-bird. Despite not being the bird the people think he is, he's still glad to make the people happy by flying over their festival every year.

After that history lesson, Hilda returns to her mum, bonds with her and comes to realise the city isn't as dreary as she initially thought.

That was another brilliant episode; a story about identity, misunderstandings and coming to terms with your reality. It's also one of my favourites. I can't wait to revisit the rest of the season!


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