Review by Clobby Clobsters

BoJack Horseman: Season 3

3x12 That Went Well

In this episode, BoJack's dealing with his guilt towards Sarah Lynn. He feels responsible for her death, and now he's reflecting on his life's value. In other news, character actress Margo Martindale sends a crap ton of spaghetti into the ocean, threatening to destroy Pacific Ocean City. Not only that, but Mr Peanutbutter's selling Cabracadabra, PC's started up her company again (as a manager, not an agent), Diane became a blogger and Todd's come out as asexual.

But for BoJack, he's coming to terms with his legacy. After a visit from Diane, he realises that although Horsin' Around was nothing but a basic feel-good sitcom, it gave people comfort. And this is the show he's been trying so hard to distance himself from this entire season, so the irony of this realisation is immensely satisfying. After that, he signs on for Ethan Around, helps Bradley gain the confidence to lead the show, and instead of discouraging the child star, he does the opposite. But then he asks her what she wants to be when she grows up. And she says,

Chloe: "I want to be like you."
BoJack: "Like me?"
Chloe: "I want to be famous."

All the guilt rushes back, and BoJack can't take it. So he bails. He takes a drive on the highway, and it looks like he has almost given up. But then he sees something. He stops. And as "Stars" plays in the background, BoJack watches a herd of horses, sprinting across the open land.


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