Review by hannah

Gone Girl 2014

i rewatched this on a whim tonight; i'm not usually someone who rewatches movies that aren't franchises or animated classics, but i'm an enneagram six and my friends validated my thoughts of rewatching and here i am, best decision ever. i could've watched a b rate thriller or horror instead; i probably will next. but i'm glad i took the time to rewatch this. considering the plot, it's easy to think it wouldn't have the same effect knowing how it all wraps up in the ending (this review exposes me as someone who often does NOT read the book first, i'm sorry for who i am as a person) but it honestly was even more enjoyable this time around. something about knowing where the characters actually end up put me on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

that last bit about not reading the book first reminds me though—gillian flynn is an incredible writer. considering how well gone girl and sharp objects turned out, i have a feeling that not having her do the screenplay is what left dark places lacking. widows and utopia were already on my to watch list but they've moved up in priority after this revisit with gone girl for sure.

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