Review by Corey

The Platform 2019


Review by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Platform’:

  1. I would’ve given this a higher score if the point of the message was made a little clearer, and the ending a little more satisfying. Whether the message was the perfect panna cotta or the girl, what’s the purpose of the message at all? To show solidarity? Would it change the system once discovered at the top? Would prisoners be released? What would Goreng gain from it exactly? With only a month left AND living comfy at Level 6, the reward must’ve been worth the trip down. But how would he even assume it’d accomplish anything? So many questions... too many questions revolving this “message” they were trying to send. I wish it were a smidge clearer. ALSO... how was that girl surviving way down there? And why did they not burn up/freeze when they held on to the panna cotta? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

  2. Regardless of the endless questions, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I thought it was quite an original story and well acted. And I thought the simplistic score was super eerie and effective.

  3. I don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to eat my chicken panini at the start of the film.

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