I really wasn’t a fan of Bjorn during this season, I have no connection to his character, so I really wasn’t moved by his death. I mean it was supposed to be this epic send off but it just dragged for me and it felt very flat. And honestly to say that Bjorn “was even greater than Ragnar”?! How? Yes, he was a beast of a man but I fail to remember any moment where I was really impressed by him or any of his plans/actions. He lacked Ragnar’s greatness. The only thing he succeeded in doing was unite all of Norway on his death bed, and they all answered his summons because he was a son of Ragnar! I feel the show failed to build him up as a truly remarkable character.

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@tago1987 I've struggled to understand why they thought he was so great or why I should care about the character myself as well. Did he ever win a battle he led? Maybe he did but I can't remember it, seemed more like he was always losing, liked to rush in head first without any real plan (probably why Ivar, and others, always seemed to beat his ass) like Ragnar always seemed to have.

@veganaf Exactly! The fact that we can't remember any great moment about him speaks volume!

The death that made me the saddest was Lagertha's

@prismeus Actually I didn't like the way she died. I know they wanted to fulfill the prophecy of her dying at the hand of a son of Ragnar but she was the greatest shield maiden and I wish she had a more honorable death in the middle of a battle. However, the soundtrack playing throughout that scene was great!
