After completing the whole show: I'm surprised by how much I liked it.
I really adored the first half of the first season. With the second half of season 1 coming out. The overabundance of feminism jumps out more into your face which is not inherently bad, but a little bit invasive. Sometimes feeling a little bit forced. Despite that, the second half sets the bar even higher than the first part.
First half of season two slightly drops in quality as they are trying to shove in a few too many songs. But it looks interesting as to how they are incorporating other faiths into the series. And I really love the part about two Sabrinas . The second half of the second season is something of a mixed bag for me. While I love the beginning, I felt that towards the end it felt a little bit rushed. The story concludes fine, while a little bit unfulfilling. I would have loved to see a Morningstar/Spellman reunion, rather than Nick following her into the afterlife.

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@chickenduy my exact point netflix indoctrinating their western values into each tv series even if it doesn't make sense in that environment.
