This show is tons of fun, but I have some constant gripes about it: 1) I still can’t buy into Roz & Harvey. I just don’t see the connection or chemistry there. 2) I am enjoying these episodic mini-adventures with the various terrors, but it feels like things are wrapped up too perfectly — and forcefully — to the last season’s detriment. I think the final Big Bad would’ve worked better as one epic badass buildup. The threat feels super minuscule at this point. 3) Ambrose explaining anything is a bit hard to swallow, always delivered way too intensely and heavy-handedly. He always seems to act at a particular speed that he rarely diverts from. Everything is always the worst crisis imaginable. 4) I wish they’d stick with Sabrina wanting to remain independent and soul-searchy for a bit. She’s too good for either Nick or Harvey, and it’s frustrating to see her perpetually pining for them. 5) We need more Salem.

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yes. Ambrose is really overacting all the time now...
