We are here at the end, and it's a long one as "Sozin's Comet" is divided into a four part behemoth. This first part, "The Phoenix King", is almost all setup but it's still stellar, particularly in regards to what it focuses on setting up. Sure, plot wise it's mostly to up the stakes and give some urgency to the incoming comet, but it's really about Aang, which is what the whole show has been about up to this point. Aang's dilemma to kill the Fire Lord is a genuine one (and not just because it's a show on Nickelodeon and there are standards and practices to uphold) - Aang's pacifist nature is being confronted with the ultimate test as he asks himself what kind of Avatar he wants to be.

Everything with Ozai is particularly great as well. Ozai has never been a particularly "deep" villain, but he makes up for it with Mark Hamill's incredible vocal performance as the character that renders him as deliciously evil. He's also a genuine threat which makes him interesting by virtue of his power compared to the rest of the cast, and the show has a great cliffhanger as we inch closer and closer to the comet.

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