The film is entertaining, but in my opinion it could be improved. The special effects are spectacular and I don't criticize them, in fact, they fascinate me. But, unlike the novel, which had a more scientific point of view, the film has a strong emphasis on religion. Maybe in the 1950s it was normal (although, as I said before, the novel is not like that), but the ending is in a church and being a eucatastrophe..., it looks pretty bad. In other words, it is a double "Deus ex machina", in the structural sense of the story and in an almost literal sense, since the director urges to think that it was God. Finally, it is something unreal that the protagonist in the state in which it was, managed to attack the Martians and to remain with one of those electronic eyes without dying burned by the "ray of fire" (quoting the words of the novel)

To finish, I would like to comment that in Spain the posters used to promote the film were two illustrations of the musical album "Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds". I mention this because even though the ships look similar, the ones in the movie are not tripods!

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