Review by Michelle

Once again the most interesting part of this whole fucking show is the stuff that gets the least amount of time. I could not care less about the sitcom shtick and I wish they would stop ripping off other shows when it serves little purpose except to make this all ridiculous when it could've been so much better.

In the movie Far From Heaven, you get this practically picturesque town and home life of a housewife in Connecticut. It's gorgeous and full of colors and 50s/60s "retro", what have you. It looks so perfect and lovely yet hides all sorts of ugliness underneath the perfect veneer of "All American Dream". Imagine that kind of set up but with horror and mindfuckery and that could've been THIS FUCKING SHOW.

Each episode continues to disappoint.
Each episode shows me how this would have been better served in a binge-watch (if they ever fucking do anything with the reveal).
Each episode annoys me with a pointless, obnoxious laugh track.
And each episode has me not giving a single damn about this couple or buying into any of their "chemistry" or love. This relationship was developed completely offscreen, and now I'm just supposed to believe they are some shining example of True Love because Marvel clearly wants Young Avengers? Nope. Not happening. I demand better writing and pacing, thank you.

Olsen and Bettany are very talented and capable actors in other projects but here, I can't buy anything between them.
The pacing is just painful and not at all suspenseful. There's tension and then there's annoying the shit out of your audience. This show is the latter.

This show continues to be the epitome of "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined".

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21 replies

@starfleeter This is one of the dumbest rants about an episode of a show i've seen here. Congrats!

@oh_my_jihyo Yeah, well, you know that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man...

@starfleeter no one has patience these days lol. I mean all of the haters of this show have no patience.
Something is obviously going on. They just aren’t going to give all the answers in the first 3 episodes.

@starfleeter the fact is that you don't grasp the genious in this show. it's a celebration of all decades of tv shows, not a copy. it's also Wanda's mind being so completely fucked up that she has to create a completely different reality to survive and how this reality is cracking a little with each episode. you can like the show or not, i don't really give a damn but your comment in general is just very dumb.

@starfleeter Could you try to explain how you get "young avengers" out of the three first episodes here? I don't get it at all, there's literally NO signs of ANY of the young avengers so far??

Yes, the love is sudden and off-screen. Here's a hint. VISION IS DEAD. Obviously their love is going to feel fake, because IT IS ALL IN WANDAS HEAD. Her mind, and powers, are trying desperately to experience a normal life - like the ones she knows about from TV. How have you not gotten this?

@starfleeter Ignore the Disney sponsored sycophants and posh wankers. You are spot on.

@biancaxcarmo Cheezus, chill.
It's just his opinion, you shouldn't call other people ideas dumb...

@biancaxcarmo genius? It's Marvel. Ain't nothing genius about it and fanboys eat it up.

@formatview321 I really struck a nerve for them lol


@astreas :rofl: Sorry to say this is the weakest Marvel show out of the bunch, and I am including Iron Fist in that.

@starfleeter There was some relationship building in the movies but it doesn’t matter anyway if their chemistry doesn’t seems real because it’s not supposed to be real. If anything it’s a testament to how good the acting is, because so far there are strong signs everything in the scenes with 4:3 aspect ratio is either not real or controlled by Wanda. From the 1st episode I think everything seems fake already and pretty sure that’s intentional. Vision is dead already anyway.

@formatview321 Sure. If "spot on" means "Pretty much completely missing the point".

@starfleeter you seem tot be completely missing the point here

@slimyboi I really love when multiple people with zero reading comprehension keep telling me I "don't get" a Basic show (with a capital B) with about as much creativity as baby's first fanfic. But sure, I Just Don't Get It.

@jim222001 The Netflix generation wants instant gratification. We're all just used to getting our answers instantly using Google, to binge something quickly using Netflix and to top that off casual MCU movie fans will prefer stories limited to movie or 3 episode arcs so the arc is finished quickly. It's irrelevant to them how extremely well done most of the show is because sure, this is unraveling slowly (because it's not an Avengers movie) while in reality they want to see the movies continued. They couldn't care less about the actors shining, they don't give a shit about the characters either, they're just after the plot following Endgame.

I understand that, but if this show creates such rage and anger in you to rant and bitch at others here, you should probably mind your mental health and stop watching right now. It won't give you a quick fix, it's not for you and that's fine.

@bl-zz :rofl: I can't. "My mental health".

You know what. I'll give you an actual response since you all keep repeating yourselves nearly a week later.

If you look at any of the stuff I've watched, and ranked above a 7, you'll see that "instant gratification" isn't even a thing for me. I watch slow burn all the time. And the writing of what I watch matters to me in a big fucking way. But it has to be done WELL to get praise from me. This is not done well. At all. Come back to me when you all learn the difference between filler and tension because I'm frankly tired of being lectured to by people that don't know the difference. (At least you can go look at my profile because I don't keep it locked.)

But sure make assumptions because I didn't fall over myself praising this show for all the half-assed crap it's doing.

I've watched hundreds of things I haven't even logged yet because there's just too much to do in one sitting. Some great, some bad, some are just "Fine", and some plain frustrating because they waste the potential they have. And if anything sticks in my craw in a big way, it's wasted potential.

I hated Infinity Wars because it was filled with bad writing and an excuse to be needlessly cruel to characters I liked (even though there were pretty awesome action moments). I enjoyed Endgame because it felt like a decent enough resolution despite the plethora of plot holes running throughout it and the way they did my girl Natasha dirty af by not even giving her a fucking funeral. I've always preferred the shows to movies because the shows at least have the chance for more development and an actual plot that isn't getting sidelined by making way for the next installment.

I know what they are doing. I been knew. But, again: that doesn't mean it is being done well.

My gold standard for Marvel shows is Daredevil season 1. A methodical, well-paced, well-made, well-acted slow burn of a show. I judge all Marvel shows based on that because I know Marvel has it in them to Do Better. And not waste my time. I'm allowed not to like something popular. I'm allowed not to think the same as everyone else. I'm allowed to not throw myself on the altar of the MCU and praise everything it farts out.

But sure, keep saying I'm just "too dumb" or "impatient" to get it and my venting my frustrations over wasted potential is the deluded rantings of a mad woman on the internet. Ok, bud.

They got 6 episodes to change my mind. And that's far more generous than I've been with other shows. If they keep sucking, I'm gonna keep saying so. If they get better, my reviews will reflect that. But I'm not going to change my stance just because a bunch of MCU asskissers want to jump on me and scold me for wanting better. Ain't gonna happen. The first three episodes of this show suck major ass. Deal with it.

Editing this to add: the only show recently that was actually bad for my mental health was BBC's Dracula. Those three episodes were absolute torture to get through with how shit they were and it made me very grouchy the whole time.

@starfleeter Well, that's just like, your opinion, dude.

@starfleeter I don't believe Marvel necessarily has it in them to do as well as the first seasons of Daredevil, because I don't think it's that high quality they're aiming for nor care about. I mean: they don't even employ the DD creator. To me it seemed like the non-ABC shows have always been spearheaded by the creative team and the platform they aired on, Netflix in this case. Marvel has never seemed in the picture and they've proven to rather kill good shows and possibly reboot the heroes on D+ after the license with e.g. Netflix expires or simply kill the shows for good to remove an obstacle for D+.

I have over time managed to let go of (too) high expectations and accept things for what they are, so I enjoyed Dracula for what it was, similar to these shows. This way I'm less often disappointed, still enjoy more mediocre or less perfect things and am more often positively surprised. I like reading people's opinions, that's what I do after every episode nowadays. I guess that's why ultra negative rants that don't seem to be objective, but just angry, bother me somewhat. Call me an MCU ass-kisser all you want, it's not gonna make the show more enjoyable.

@bl-zz No, it's up to the showrunners to make the show more enjoyable. I'm not going to lower expectations when I know they can do better. (Especially when I'm actually more lenient with Marvel movies than other movies.) If the show continues to disappoint, I'll voice that disappointment. If I enjoy it, I will voice my enjoyment.

Point is: no one has to read anything I write. You don't like my opinion, you can scroll on. You want to insult me in the comments, I'll swing it right back. Otherwise, I don't go around forcing my opinion or feelings on anyone else. I write my thing, post, move on to the next thing to watch.

No one has to agree with me, I don't have to agree with anyone else. And frankly, no matter what I say, it doesn't stop the show from existing, doesn't stop it from airing. And if me voicing my opinion takes away enjoyment you (general "you") have with the show, that's not my problem.
