The "Get Through" the Resident Evil Series Project of 2021 - # 2 of 6

That Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a step down from the first one is beyond any question, but is it as bad as people say it is? Not really...'s more cartoonish and over-the-top than the first one, and most of the "scary movie" elements are gone, but the action sequences are engaging, and the performances from most of the actors are good enough for what this is. The story, as in the first one, is not especially clever. It does a good enough job to drive the action, but that's about it.

What makes Apocalypse worse than its predecessor, is that it tries too hard to be something it's not. They tried to make it bigger and grander but only ended up making it a generic action movie instead.

So...what does that make Resident Evil: Apocalypse?

A rather plain action flic, with some interesting elements for the fans of the franchise, but not enough to make it rise much above average.

...and yes...the creepy dogs are still around.

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