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Easy A 2010

I had a lot of problems with this movie. I get that since the classic teen movies of the early 80's kids in movies have dialog and confidence that no other teen in the history of the world has had. This movie goes a step further - we're supposed to believe that a hot chick is playing a high school nerd that can't get a date yet she has that same ridiculous confidence. Sixteen Candles worked because it was Molly Ringwald - someone that was completely believable as the quirky / nerdy teen - and not some A List Hollywood Actress.

Speaking of 80's movies, it wasn't bad enough that this heavily-cliched movie was stealing from so many movies that came before it. Towards the end it openly embraced it as if it was some kind of homage. It was just really disappointing to see so many fine actors taking part in this tripe (Patricia Clarkson and Thomas Haden Church deserve so much better). I guess this can be classified as a coming-of-age movie - there have been so many better ones recently. (see here:

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