Shout by Florian Dick

Sound of Metal 2020

Very powerful movie! I don't need to repeat, what the other comments already pointed out.

The only 2 things I found a little bit weird, were 1st: that it seemd like nobody told Ruben, that his hearing will be different after the surgery. I don't think (or hope) that the doctors he probably talked to, wouldn't tell him that.

And 2nd, I feel like "Metal" as a genre, probably hasn't been handled fair here. I do not listen to Metal myself, but obviously for a lot of people it sounds just like "loud noise" which Ruben turns off at the end.

So metaphorically... Maybe that thought goes too far, but I feel, that metal as a genre was handled a little negative. Like these two only played Metal because they were hurt from the past and that they had to get out of it, to start living a normal life again. But still for the characters, as they were presented, I think storywise it worked and the journey they had, was resolved very very well.

But these really are the only issues I had. People should definetly watch it! Great movie! :)

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@hallorian Every Ci patient will be told "before" implantation, that in the beginning everything sounds weird, mechanical, you don't understand much, if all.

It takes months or years to re-learn to hear with CI's. That part is poorly handled in this movie. That's why I gave it a relatively low rating.

@hallorian As one listening to a lot of metal music I quickly dropped the connection to metal as a genre and interpreted it more word for word as in the sound that metal makes. It fits as there's a lot of sound from metal when playing drums and all through out the film after his implants are activated what he hear is what you would call a metallic distortion.

@hallorian Just my opinion: interesting points, but i think that 1) we don't know what doctors would tell Ruben, but maybe it's not relevant because he felt uncomplete without his earing. Even if a doctor would tell the exact result, Ruben will still go under surgery, because he is deluding himself with the chance to come back to "normal". The key, is the last discussion with Joe. 2) metal: right. I thought the same. But then, a thought struck me: what if metal is a metonymy for the earing implant? A metaphor for the unrealistic "sound translation" of the implant? I mean, this is a very complex and well written movie, would be very strange if they decided to peddle for metal the music of the Blackgammon. I don't know, just mulling over...
