WandaVision's sitcom premises and tones have been tied to the emotions and mental state of Wanda since the beginning, so it makes sense that her at the lowest point yet things would start to become fractured and all over the place. And, as it turns out, the mockumentary style comedy of Modern Family and The Office turn out to be a great mix with these characters - the humor is far more subdued then before as well and much drier, fitting of this kind of show. The constant changing of the things around Wanda, her depressive mood - it's played very realistically, much more so then I expected, and the emotional beats hit hard.

But honestly what really sold this episode was everything around that - Elizabeth Olsen probably gives her best performance to date on the show here, and Paul Bettany's chemistry with Kat Dennings is surprisingly really great. Monica nearly steals the show here with a show stopping scene involving her gaining her powers, even if they haven't been shown yet, but Kathryn Hahn man. Her performance here is simply divine, and while I'm curious to see how this changes the show going forward (some explaining has to be done), if Hahn is having THIS much fun here I can't see why we can't.

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