Review by

Moulin Rouge! 2001

I was really disappointed in this movie. I generally like musicals and have enjoyed many of them in the last several years (La La Land, The Greatest Showman and Mama Mia! Here We Go Again, to name a few). In reading the reviews for this film I can see that it definitely has a love-it-or-hate-it feel to it and you can count me in the latter. Roger Ebert described the experience of watching it as "like being trapped in an elevator with the circus". Inexplicably he thought this was would be a good thing. And therein is the biggest problem that I had with it - at times it was complete sensory overload (especially the first 20 minutes). Is it impressive on some level? Sure, I guess it is if you're into seeing repeated tight shots of a lot of people dancing. It also tried to add a comedic feel in some of the dancing scenes - again, it was sensory overload. The movie's best scenes were the ones where there was little production and instead focused on the acting and singing. I get the the film is supposed to be campy but it can't have it both ways. The cheese and the sensory overload completely took away from the storytelling. I could actually see this being a decent stage musical once the over-the-top production is removed.

I've also seen reviews where people said that despite its flaws it is an original idea. I can't classify a musical that re-interprets someone else's music as being "original".

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