Shout by hannah

Behind Her Eyes 2021

this truly kept me guessing until the near end. every time i thought i was one step ahead and finally figured it out i was wrong. even my craziest theory at the end of episode 5 was literally turned on its head by the actual ending. i loved every minute of this series. every character was well rounded, flawed and believable. i sympathized with all of them at one point, and wanted to throw a book at their heads at another. i went in expecting a typical thriller miniseries and came out the other end legitimately mindfucked. if you have the time, do yourself a favor and spend it on this series. go in without knowing anything and avoid spoilers like your life depends on it.

the only thing i'll say is this: the ending is not a happy one, by any stretch of the imagination. if you want the happy-ish version, stop the last episode shortly after adele writes a letter. the real version is worth the outrage, though, if only because it actually kept me guessing until the very end, which very few shows or movies have managed to do.

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